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The Foundation recently awarded the Mohon Masque a grant in the amount of $14,132 to purchase Digital Scenic Projector equipment to be used for the musical productions and theater classes as well in the Black Box Theater to enhance the numerous productions done during the school year. These funds were part of a grant the Foundaton received from the Wright Family Foundation.


Here are some pictures from a prior program. 

Draper Middle School Animal Club - Bronx Zoo Trip

Adirondack ENL Grant - Family Fun Day

English as a New Language (ENL) Field Trips to Camp Fowler and Howes Cave

All Kids Bike Program -Teaching kindergartners bike safety and balance learning to ride

 Living Wall Art Sculpture


Michael York's art students worked with local mixed media fiber artist Mallory Zondag to create this fiber art sculpture using the process of felting through a $6,000 grant provided by the Foundation. This scuplture is hung in the high school atrium art gallery. 

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